We’re not fully sustainable yet, but we’ve been committed to it for 22 years.

Fisheye was an early adopter of sustainable practices from small habits to big ideas. Here’s a run-down on what we have been doing for a while and also the goals that we have set out to achieve.

We have chosen The Abilities Group to reuse/recycle/repurpose our (and clients) e-waste. They also employ and enrich the lives of people with disabilities.


We promote re-purposing devices to other uses in your business or another person in need such as a school or start-up business. We really believe that a community is worth its weight in gold.

We collect our neighbours e-waste from their shop fronts along Ponsonby road and responsibly recycle it.

We provide a Freel good Friday give-a-way on Ponsonby road of things we don’t need but could be useful to other humans.

We only recommend business grade hardware – that lasts and with suppliers that have a social responsibility and sustainability practices in place and are actually doing it right.

We are working on a right to repair option as a managed service laptop – standby on this incredible new movement of sustainability.

Cleaning products are purchased from our local ecostore business – we recycle all our packaging back to them.


We promote the transition from batteries to rechargeable batteries and sell the kits. We recycle all of our batteries and use rechargeables for all our own needs.


Our coffee is purchased locally – reusable packaging and coffee grounds are put into the worm farm.


Our with Small/Smartass toilet paper and paper towels are sourced from Innocent Packaging – it is made from 100% sugarcane and bamboo fibre.


Food scraps and organic waste goes to our worm farm – which feeds worm wee to our roof top garden – that in turns produces flowers for our bees.

Our rooftop garden has a beehive from Bees Up Top and we give our honey away to our clients as a gratitude gift. This is simply one of our crown jewels in so many ways.


We have a very well policed recycling system that encourages all staff to learn about the different waste streams – TIP one thing we did learn recently is that tinfoil with no food on it can be scrunched up and added to the recycling bin.


We are committed to the Living Wage Movement Aotearoa and expect accreditation before
Christmas 2023.


Our power is supplied by Meridian Energy / Powershop who only supply 100% renewable energy – from wind, water and sun.


We advocate and celebrate small carbon footsteps with our team – such as transport to and from work.

Recycle / reuse all of our packaging. We recycle all soft packaging – and buy the recycled fence posts to support this initiative on our property.


We have a full electric car again after our original three smart cars were vandalised over lockdown.

We have planted trees for survival in our gullies and water ways.


We are continuing to plant food crops – all of which is shared.

We educate and we advocate the culture to ask about recycling – so we can all learn and not be shamed.

Bee sure to pop in to visit the bees on our rooftop garden.

So what’s next?

Our goal is to become a B Corp certified in 2024 – working on this right now.

To plant native trees every year as part of a rejuvenation commitment on our rural property.

Continue to add new practises as we can in our processes and supply chain.

Educate and update our clients on any way possible in the tech world.

We choose new business clients that are aligned with our values.

Be educated by new ideas.